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Check out this treasure trove for any sports enthusiast or casual gambler. Microsoft has a database of custom downloadable bracket templates in Microsoft Office (excel mostly) They have everything fr ... ...

Windows Live SkyDrive which is initially termed as Windows live folders is one of the parts of Microsoft Windows online service. It is a password protected service that allow users to store file and s ...

Microsoft office 2010 is the successor version of office 2007 and is code named as office 14. It is the first 64 bit version of office which is only compatible with Microsoft service pack 3, Windows v ...

Microsoft Ribbon hero is an application that turns the office into game. It is designed to boost skill and knowledge in Microsoft Office's latest version. It is released with office 2007 as a social g ...

Microsoft SharePoint is a business management system introduced by MICROSOFT. It has many build in functions to work in web based environment easily. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is released on April 17, ...

This kid is incredible. At age 9, he's already written a 312 page book on Windows 7! ...

via LifeHacker Windows: If you want to squeeze all the use out of Office 2010 before you're required to pony up for a license, free utility Trial Extender will extend the free trial period up to 6 mon ...

Hey has anybody tried Microsoft Office 2010 yet? It looks like they had their major Keynote today (2010-05-12). Being an IT guy I am looking forward to rolling this out in my company. I liked the ribb ...