Without doubt, an Excel spreadsheet is one of the most advanced tools for working with raw data—and one of the most feared. The application looks complicated, way too advanced, and like something that would take hours to figure out.
A couple of days ago there was an emergency power outage and everything went out in time - including my PC. MICROSOFT WORD 2007, can not open the file. The standard recovery procedure can not help me. Can I still hope for his discovery or is it all meaningless? Advise what to do in this situation.
The problem with a fairly large file. The last time it somehow completely unsuccessfully closed, and now when I try to open it via MS Outlook 6.0, the program tells me about an error, after which I can not move forward now - Outlook Express could not open this folder. I would have forgotten about this file, if not for the fact that it contained a database database consisting of contacts, messages, other data. I really hope for your help.
After using CorelDRAW saved the file, in the properties everything as always, and the file does not open. an error is displayed when initializing the file. You must restore the cdr file .
During my work on an important presentation, I encountered difficulties with opening a file with a database. PowerPoint 15.0, installed on a PC, gives an error message - PowerPoint can not open the type of file represented by ppt. I do not know what to do about it. Is it possible to open it somehow?
I've been working on a project in Project 15.0 for more than a month. And now, perhaps because of a system crash, I can not open the file with my work and send it to the boss. The program tells me about the error - Project can not recognize this file format. Do you want to open this file as text only? I tried to open the desired file from another PC, but the result is the same. What can be done with this? I ran out of all assumptions.
Hey. I just can't figure out the problem. When I open the file it gives me Office 2013 set on the PC gives the error message - there was an error in the case of tol7re09.pptx file access. Is the file unrecoverable or is there something that will help me open it?
I use MICROSOFT PROJECT 2010 during my work in the office, I have limited time, so I was furious with the error, this program gave out. An unexpected problem occurred when opening the file. The file may be corrupted. Try using a backup. Help solve this problem, because the guys from those support still did not help me, I complained to their boss but the file is still not saved.
Hello everyone. Can anyone help me how to fix a corrupted CDR file? I was working with a 159+ MB file after the power went out suddenly I was unable to open the file again when the power came back. I know that the file may be corrupted and I also do not have a backup copy of the file.
There is a corrupted file format .cdr CorelDraw version 10. Is there any possibility of recovery (recommendations for file recovery on corel.com refer only to the 7th version of the product - not suitable; to restore by importing into other programs, other program, of course also causes the error)
Microsoft Word is a graphical word processing program. it is developed by the Microsoft. Microsoft Word is to manage and share the document, edit and create a variety of documents such as email, books, report, and letters, including resumes and it is to create a business document such as pictures, charts, diagram including graphic design.
in General, the file does not open email in web version of ms word or in the PC version, 2007 and 2010 do not open it, perhaps a USB flash drive not removed safely, and the file was broken, whether it is possible to convert or open ?
I'm using Access to do a mail merge in Word for a form letter I'm printing. One part of the letter contains one of two values but that value is dependent on one of the fields in the Access table. Is there a way to set it up so that if Field 1 = Yes, then the letter automatically fills in Value A and if Field 1 = No, then Value B is filled in.
skydrive.live.com looks like it has some good features. You can store all your stuff in the 'Cloud' 25GB free to start with is the best in the industry now. You can also remote access your other computers as well.
Microsoft Ribbon hero is an application that turns the office into game. It is designed to boost skill and knowledge in Microsoft Office's latest version. It is released with office 2007 as a social game for increases productivity in office applications. It is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Word 2007, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 as well as those three programs in Microsoft Office 2010, available as a beta download.
Microsoft SharePoint is a business management system introduced by MICROSOFT. It has many build in functions to work in web based environment easily. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is released on April 17, 2010. It is introduced with the promise of better performance than its predecessor version for both developers and IT professionals. It is entitled as "Business Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise and The Web".
Does any body have a good resource on web design in SharePoint Designer? Everyone I have talked to only knows the SharePoint side & not the design part. Can a web designer who knows html or asp.net change the look and feel without really knowing SharePoint?
Hey has anybody tried Microsoft Office 2010 yet? It looks like they had their major Keynote today (2010-05-12). Being an IT guy I am looking forward to rolling this out in my company. I liked the ribbon when it was introduced in Office 2007 & with Office 2010 it looks like they have refined this look. One of the programs that will benefit the most from this new release is PowerPoint. PowerPoint will have new 'built-in' video editing, new transitions and a tool to show PowerPoint's over the web.
Being in the IT field I have used Microsoft products for a long time. One of the secrets I have found is Microsoft's TechNet Subscription. With the TechNet subscription you get learning material, articles & news, but the biggest benefit is the software you have access to. For about $350 a year you get access to almost all of Microsoft's software in a demo form (non-expiring). You can't necessarily use this for production use in a business, but you can use it for "Testing purposes". I typically...