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In this short video tutorial we're gonna have a look at how to hide rows in an Excel spreadsheet – simple and easy! Thanks to this, you'll be able to hide information you don't want to share in the ta ...

In this short video tutorial we're gonna have a look at how to hide columns in an Excel spreadsheet – simple and easy! Thanks to this, you'll be able to hide information you don't want to share in the ...

In this short video tutorial I'll show you how to lock cells in an Excel spreadsheet to protect them from overwriting. Let's get started! ...

Without doubt, an Excel spreadsheet is one of the most advanced tools for working with raw data—and one of the most feared. The application looks complicated, way too advanced, and like something that ...

I was analyzing the data and when I had almost finished the report on the resources used in MS Project 2016. The system crashed due to a power outage and I can not open the file with my work and send ...

It's just awful... I saved the document 20 minutes ago. Just my CorelDraw X4 took off leaving me no hope of saving. Opened a backup, it was even stupidly empty. Opened the file itself and the worst ex ...

A couple of days ago there was an emergency power outage and everything went out in time - including my PC. MICROSOFT WORD 2007, can not open the file. The standard recovery procedure can not help me. ...

The problem with a fairly large file. The last time it somehow completely unsuccessfully closed, and now when I try to open it via MS Outlook 6.0, the program tells me about an error, after which I ca ...

After using CorelDRAW saved the file, in the properties everything as always, and the file does not open. an error is displayed when initializing the file. You must restore the cdr file . ...

During my work on an important presentation, I encountered difficulties with opening a file with a database. PowerPoint 15.0, installed on a PC, gives an error message - PowerPoint can not open the ty ...